The Golden Boy centers on a young man in his twenties who is compelled to relocate to a summer house because of family issues. There, he encounters several stunning women.
- Date: 18/July/2023
- Name: The Golden Boy
- Version: 0.3.8 Reworked
- Incest Content: Mother-Son
- Dev: Serious Punch
- Android: Incg
18/July/2023- Updated to v0.3.8
- 360 New Renders
- 7 New Animations
- New Scenes with Eva
- New Scenes with Laura
- A new character (Carla)
- Improved GUI
- Fixed Minor Bugs
14/June/2023- Updated to v0.3.7
- 216 New Renders
- New Scenes with Eva [Lust & Love Scene]
- A new character (Mary) [Lust & Love Scene]
- 2 New Animations
- Fixed Minor Bugs
8/May/2023 – Updated to v0.3.6
- 385 New Renders
- 16 New Scenes (Melany, Eva and Laura)
- 3 New Animations
- Fixed Minor Bugs
8/April/2023- First Upload v0.3.5
New game, only a few months old. Expect low content.
As of v0.3.8, it has 1500+ Renders, ~23 Animations.
Semi-Sandbox. No grind.
The Golden Boy v0.3.8 Reworked
Last Updated on July 18, 2023