In the world of “Golden Mean,” a young man’s life takes a thrilling turn when he discovers a devilish horn with enchanting powers. However, as the old saying goes, great power comes with great responsibility. With the Inquisition relentless in their pursuit, he must protect himself and keep his family together. Will he be able to navigate this perilous situation and safeguard those he holds dear?
- Date: 31/July/2023
- Name: Golden Mean
- Version: 0.3
- Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister, Non-MC (Father-Daughter)
- Dev: DrMolly
- Android: incg
31/July/2023 – First Upload v0.3
Newer game, less than a year old but has lots of content already. Content per update is quite above average too.
Game has optional sharing/ntr with the mc’s dad.
Content: 4000+ Images, ~221 Animations Total for v0.3.
Sandbox, has some grind. Has built-in cheats and hints system.
Last Updated on July 31, 2023