Forbidden Passion follows the journey of a young man who has been expelled from his home and now faces the daunting task of navigating a tumultuous life. Despite the obstacles, he remains committed to caring for the woman and people he loves. The question remains: will he succumb to his circumstances or rise to the challenge? Ultimately, the decision is yours and yours alone.
- Date: 22/July/2023
- Name: Forbidden Passion
- Version: v0.10 Premium Edition
- Incest Content: Mother-Son, Aunt-Nephew, Brother-Sister, Fcousin-Mcousin, Grandmother-Son
- Dev: PPanGames
- Android: incg
22/July/2023 – Updated to v0.10 PE
- Around 190 new unique render
- 2 fully realized animations made of about 90 renders
- Overall +250 renders, 3450 unique renders overall
- Word count surpasses 55000 words
- Small QoL fixes
- If you got issues with the script, restart the game. There is currently nothing I can do about it until I find a solution.
Late April/2023 – First Upload, v0.9 PE
Looks like a great incest game. Has plenty of content without blueballs.
Content: 3400+ Images, ~77Animations Total for v0.10 PE
VN mode, No grind. Has built-in Walkthough.
Last Updated on July 22, 2023