Max’s Life revolves around Max, a young boy who resides in a household with his mother and two sisters. Throughout his journey, he will come across many other girls. Featuring big tits, footjob, groping, handjob, animated , male protagonist, masturbation, milf, big ass, oral sex, titfuck, vaginal sex, anal sex, corruption, voyeurism, urination, *sharing
- Date: 20/July/2023
- Name: Max’s Life
- Version: Chapter 5 v0.49
- Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister, Aunt-Nephew, Fcousin-Mcousin, Mother-Daughter, Father-Daughter(Non MC), Sister-Sister, StepMother-Son
- Dev: Kuggazer
- Android: Wills747 (Ch1-4) and Incg
20/July/2023- Updated to Chapter 5 v0.49
- Alisia scenes
- Brenda scenes
- Athena scenes
- Bastet scenes
- Neith scenes
- Maria scenes
- Lily scenes
- Stella scenes
- Erika scenes
April/2023 – First Upload Chapter 5 v0.48
Good, HUGE Game. Pain in ass to upload and probably download too. One of the largest incest games around. As you can see in content tags, it has content with almost every relative. There is optional sharing/NTR content with other male family members.
Sandbox, has some grind.
For PC:
Video packs work only on Ch3 and 4.
You only need rpa files for Ch4, but you need 2 of rpa and rpy files for Ch 3. (Don’t put Act 3 pack inside Ch 3, its the same thing)
- Unzip using something like ZArchiver anywhere
- Install apk and launch it once
- The app will say where to put archive.rpa, close the app and put it there. (Documents/Wills747/maxs.life.four/game)
- For video packs, put both rpy and rpa files inside the same /game folder
- *Untested on Ch3, Ch4 tested.
Max’s Life Chapter 1 to 4 [Complete] and Chapter 5 v0.49
Replay Ready Save (Act 1-3):
rpy Files
Needed for Android and CH3
Quality Info
Chapter 5 is not compressed because original from dev is already ~90Q Compressed and did not save much data(has nearly 900 video files).
For Ch1-4, PC versions are compressed ~80Q versions . I’ll add og versions soon.
Reason was that they are like [(6gb each x 4 chapters)+(14GB video pack)] x 3 mirrors] Over 110GB, my network will stab me if it were alive ;P.
But note that even the original versions are compressed ~90Q.
It could easily get 20-30GB+ for each chapter if it uses quality settings like BeingADik or Summer’s Gone (nearly 700MB video file for ~1minute length )
Last Updated on July 20, 2023